What We Do?
Economic Empowerment = Financial Well-Being + Career Journey + Digitally Forward + Circle of Care
FFG facilitates a change the life trajectory of women. Through our four-pillar programming in Financial Well-Being, Career Journey, Digitally Forward, and Circle of Care we help build knowledge and skills and nudge behavior change. Our coaches invest intellectual, emotional, and social capital in the community. We’re a team of passionate coaches and we enable access to opportunities and provide scaffolding for success.
How We Do It?
Consistent Community
FFG Coaches build a strong connection with the participants and are the trusted adult supporter and advocate who is knowledgeable, professional, consistent, and predictable.
Many young women in the foster care system have experienced instability for the majority of their life. This impacts educational outcomes and leads to increased behavioral challenges. This is particularly true for girls from foster care who have experienced trauma leading up to and including removal from their home and community. Women who are in and out of foster care need a trusting, stable, and consistent community for their holistic growth and economic empowerment.
Consistency and Predictability are the hallmarks of FFG coaches and programs. This is another key component that guides our selection of coaches, participants, and partners.
Crucial Capabilities
FFG’s programs in Financial Well-Being, Career Journey, Digitally Forward, and Circle of Care are all founded in research and designed to economically empower women and enable them to reach their personal and professional goals.
Conscious Collaboration
FFG invests in long-term social and economic transformation (holistic change) through conscious collaboration with community members and organizations in their roles as leaders, partners, and investors.
Conscious collaboration is one of the three key components of FFG programs. It has led to greater social cohesion and achieved real transformation in women’s lives- especially the most vulnerable and has instilled a can-do spirit amongst FFG coaches and the FFG community.
Why We Do It?
Economically empowering women to take charge of their lives gives the power back to the women.
Who We Are?
Learn about the Founders
Learn about the Coaches
Learn about the Board
Learn about the Advisory Board